Atmospheric Perspective Trees

This is one of those projects that look simple but are filled with learning opportunities. Atmospheric perspective is creating the illusion of depth in a painting by simulating the effect atmosphere has on the color and detail of objects.

Students began by mixing tints and shades of green to paint tall redwood trees. We began with the distant trees which were a very pale green, then painted the trees a bit closer a mid tone green, and finally the trees closest to the viewer which were a dark, bold green. The trees closest were painted at the bottom of the page. Trees further away were painted higher and got smaller, creating space.

After the paint dried, we used chalk pastels to add shading and details. The trees closest had the most contrast and details. We used lights and darks to create volume in the tree trunks and highlights and shadows in the greenery.

I did this project with my beginner and intermediate classes. Some of these concepts were quite advanced for the younger ones. I am really proud of their results.