Musical Collages

Musical Collages

After learning about Wassily Kandinsky, we drew musical instruments both from photographs and some from imagination.  Students were encouraged to draw the instruments large, keeping the arrangement of their composition in mind.  We then added color with oil pastels.  We discussed limiting our color palettes and repeating colors to unify our pieces.  In the last […]

Kandinsky Circles

Kandinsky Circles

This week, students learned about Wassily Kandinsky, Russian artist known for his vibrant abstract paintings.  We read the book The Noisy Paint Box by Barb Rosenstock.  This book tells about Kandisnsky’s childhood and explains synesthesia.  Kandisnky was thought to have synesthesia.  He heard sounds when he saw colors and saw colors when he heard sounds. […]

Klimt Ladies

Klimt Ladies

For the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about Gustav Klimt, the Viennese artist famous for his Art Nouveau paintings of women.  Klimt used lots of pattern and lots of gold in his paintings.  We began this project by reading Klimt and his Cat.  Then we drew our ladies on colored paper.  We […]