Arlo Needs Glasses

I wanted to start this session off with a project that is fun and not too difficult.  This was just perfect!  We started off by reading the book Arlo Needs Glasses by Barney Saltzberg.  It tells the story of how Arlo can no longer play catch; the ball keeps hitting him in the face.  Arlo goes to the optometrist to get his eyes checked, something most of the kids can relate to.  Turns out, Arlo needs glasses.  This is a sweet book with lots of pull tabs, fun glasses for Arlo to try on, etc…  The kids loved it.

We drew Arlo with black crayon, colored him with chalk pastel, and added dark blacks with oil pastel. I challenged students to use three shades of a similar color to create shadows and highlights.  Then we got to decorate Arlo’s glasses.  We colored them first with Woodies and then added sequins and glitter.  These turned out great and remind me of someone else famous for their glam glasses.

😀  Just kidding!

Of course, once these were done, students gave their dogs with glasses new names and stories.  So cute!